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Wednesday 3 August 2011


I apologise in advance but I'm going to vent!!!

I personally view this space as somewhere that I can say whats on my mind, how I'm feeling, whats happening in my life, how crap I'm feeling, what my new tactics are etc. Now I personally have had only lovely, motivational comments on my updates but there seems to be some people out there who just want to say shit stuff to put the blogger down. What the fuck?? Did your mother never teach you that if you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all? I've noticed some of you guys have had pretty shitty comments on your blogs and its crap. I really don't understand why people comment with unhelpful sometimes mean things?! Whatever the blogger is saying, its not targeted at anyone, its not hurting anyone, its just what they are going through and its healthy to get it out of their heads. Stop saying horrible fucking things to put them down. Arrgghh. Rant over.

PS anyone getting hasstle tell them to fuck right off (or send them my way and I will!)

Furthermore I'm having a shit day and apparently an angry one too.... You have to ride the rough with the smooth. Tomorrows another day :)

Much love to everyone, stay strong, you're all beautiful people

mwah xxxxxxx


  1. Yeah.. today I was reading some blogs and posts and was appalled at how some people responded, but there is always going to be that one douchebag out there to ruin it for you. BUT! Instead of getting hurt and offended, tell that asshole to kiss your ass and use it as fuel to motivate you to shut them up or prove them wrong. Fight douche-baggery with kindness. They have no idea how to respond when you say nice things after they've trashed you.

  2. Ha ha, I think you're a lot more level headed than me, my temper gets away from me and I just let rip! x

  3. I agree with this 100%. Our blogs are a space to express ourselves openly and freely, and we shouldn't have to worry about people putting us down. My (ex?)girlfriend(?)??? told me again today I don't have an ED. It's like if she keeps saying it enough I'll believe it or something, but I just find it incredibly selfish of her. She told me to go get clinically diagnosed and then she would believe it. Wtf?!? Maybe I don't. I don't even know anymore. Maybe I'm just a fucked up pretender. Sorry to use your comment space as a ranting arena. Hope you have a better day.

  4. Its just like you said on your blog about this need to label everything. Maybe we have EDs maybe we don't. Whats the big hoo haa? If you are clinically diagnosed it won't change you, fundamentally the issues lie deep in an individual and being able to say "oh shes bulimic, anorexic, EDNOS" etc wont change who the person is nor is it likely to change their behaviours. Its as if nobody is allowed to go through anything anymore unless they have a certifiable disorder, you're not allowed to feel what you feel, have the disgust that we all seem to have about our bodies. Not everyone fits into neat little categories, some of us are just fucked up!! Haha! Now I apologise for the continuation of my rant. Hope you're doing ok x
