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Friday 5 August 2011


Its funny how so many of us have real concern over others and their potentially destructive behaviours yet deal ourselves a completely different set of rules and boundaries... Are we caring individuals (yes) who knowingly carry out self destructive behaviours or are we simply blinded to the risks we take ourselves. Maybe we deem ourselves less important or less valuable than others? I dont know. Its late and I'm ranting... again! I cant even remember the point of this post, whoops! I need sleep.

Night night all xxx


  1. I've thought that too. I know that for me, I don't want others to go through the same things I have. I feel like they don't deserve it. I guess its up to the individual person.
    Haha maybe I should get some sleep too.


  2. I have different rules for myself and think of myself differently from how I view others. I wish no one did the things I did and I know I am a major hypocrite. I think about this often. Humanity is strange at times.
